The Feedback on the workshop, from both those in attendance and the presenter, were very positive. Thank you to everyone involved, those of you attending included, for the wonderful atmosphere of the workshop!
Estimated Cost per Head value: $55.00 - $75.00 (based on similar commercial PDs)
Cost per head we paid: $27.33
Cost per head for CRTs? Gold Coin Donation!
Achieving this low cost would not have been possible without some help. We'd like to thank:
- Peter "Captain Pete" Klein for his brilliant workshop.
- The Wodonga South Primary School for the venue.
- The DEECD for the CRT Professional Learning Support Initiative and the funding it provides
- Henri's Bakery and my husband Paul for the catering
- and everyone who attended!
Excellent pd, great ideas and we as attendees were involved throughout the night - very worthwhile thank ypu