Wednesday, June 27, 2012

End of Financial Year report.

We have put up an End of Financial Year report page.

You'll be able to get some information on our Professional Development activities in the past 12 months as well as some comments on how we think the Wodonga CRT Support Network is travelling along.

Please leave comments!  This is one of those important times where although we think we are doing OK we need to know what you think too!


Melinda Lichnovsky-Klock
Wodonga CRT Support Network Coordinator.

Monday, June 25, 2012

2 new PD workshops!

We are pleased to announce that 2 more after school PD workshops have been approved for funding.

These are:

Reading Comprehension - Literacy with Caryle York
Looking at 21st Century Classrooms - ICT with Heather Larkin.

Their pages are now up where you can find dates, times and booking details!


Melinda Lichnovsky-Klock
Wodonga CRT Support Network Coordinator.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Literacy Games after workshop report.

The "Literacy Games" workshop was successfully run on Thursday 21 June 2012.

The feedback on the workshop from those in attendance were very positive and spirits were high for the duration.  Thank you to everyone involved, those of you attending included, for the relaxed and friendly atmosphere of the workshop!  We hope you had a wonderful time!

Estimated Cost per Head value: $85.00 - $125.00 (based on similar commercial PDs)

Cost per head we paid: $10.31

Cost per head for CRTs?   Gold coin Donation!

Offering this PD would not have been possible without some help. We'd like to thank:
  • The Wodonga South Primary School for the venue.
  • The DEECD for the CRT Professional Learning Support Initiative and the funding it provides
  • VIT for starting and helping to maintain 24 CRT Networks across Victoria.
  • and everyone who attended!

