Introduction to Relief Teaching 2017 - FREE!

Hello everyone!

"An introduction to Relief Teaching for Graduate Teachers" is a beginners course for relief teachers new to the profession, in all types of schools, which has been designed to deliver this information in a way that supports an effective induction of relief teachers into our wonderful profession.  

The sink or swim nature of a relief teacher's entry into the profession often leaves them without the supportive environment that it takes to receive a positive and effective induction experience.  This is my first online contribution, supported by ClassCover's Relief Teacher Association, to support graduate relief teachers to make the successful transition from a graduate to a proficient teacher.

Whether you intend on remaining a Relief Teacher or moving on to a permanent position, excelling at Relief Teaching is an important step in your career. If you wish to remain a Relief Teacher then you want to be working your way up a school's priority list to get the amount of work you are looking for. If you wish to move on to a permanent position, excelling at Relief Teaching gives you valuable classroom experience and gets you enthusiastic referees to back up your applications.

An Introduction to Relief Teaching for graduates is designed to give you a professional understanding of the Relief Teacher's role in education, understand your role in schools beyond just teaching in the classroom and help you to get your foot in the door to become one of a school's highly valued Relief Teachers.

Venue:  Online Delivery (through & ClassCover's Relief Teacher Association).
Date:  Now available and "always on"!

Cost:  FREE.
Duration:  Approx 3 hours.
  • 15 content based videos totaling approximately an hour and 10 minutes.
  • Approx 20 minutes of additional video from other sources.
  • The remainder is for undertaking course activities.

Module 1: Intro to Relief Teaching: The Relief teacher's role in education, how schools select Relief Teachers and one bad day is not the end of the world.

Module 2: A professional Awareness of Relief Teaching: Our core responsibilities and the things we will be required to do in the average day.

Module 3: Preparing for Relief Teaching: Relief teacher collectibles and Bag of Tricks.

Module 4: Creating a Relief Teacher CV: What schools are looking for in Relief Teachers, CV contents and the CV cover letter.

Module 5: Getting your foot in the door: Determining your work area, finding schools, delivering your CV and "one minute meetings".

Module 6: Living Life as a Relief Teacher: Being a Casual Professional and Relief Teacher Wellbeing.

Module 7: Working towards Callbacks: CRT attributes, Professional Development and The role of relationships in ongoing work.

The Final Word.

Participant Feedback
"Thank you, Mel. I found the course enlightening and encouraging.
Previously, I completed Bob Brandis' Behaviour Management Course, that was very practical and helpful. I have only done about a dozen days of Relief teaching. Until about two weeks ago, I would be so nervous about the unknown (whether there would be a phone call or not the next morning, and would I have a good day) that I had trouble sleeping at night.

I have intentionally given the above background information so that you can understand that for me, at this point in time, the most encouraging 'take home' is RESILIENCE - the ability to bounce back after an unpleasant day."
"This was a very useful course. Thank you. I am returning to casual teaching after having two children and in that time (2 yrs since I last worked), things have changed... So it was awesome to get some real life tips :) Awesome course!"

"Great information and also encouraging that in my first year out I am getting some things right!."
 "Love the video and activities, was easy to do, but was still worth while."

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We hope you enjoy this course!



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