Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Anaphylaxis Training

Baranduda Primary School have their yearly Anaphylaxis Training afternoon in July. They have opened this afternoon up to CRTs. This is a great opportunity for CRTs to be trained up.

Date ~ Tuesday 21st July
Time ~ 3.50pm
Duration ~ 3 hours (Accedited for 3 years)
Place ~ Baranduda Primary School
RSVP ~ Mel on beautifulwhiteangel@hotmail.com OR 0417490720 by 12 July 2009
Cost ~ no charge

Anaphylaxis Australia

Anaphylaxis Training Information

Asthma Training afternoon as well but details are still being worked out for this. More detail will be posted when I hear more.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Wodonga CRT Support Network June Meeting

Yes! I have finally set a date for the next meeting.

At Wodonga South Primary School on Thursday 4th June from 4pm in Room 20.
There will be a gold coin donation to help cover the afternoon tea.

We have a speaker talking on "Tribes" and there will also be a discussion on The Effects of the Physical Environment on Teaching and Learning.

Resource wise. Let's talk about strategies that can be used in the classroom to help the day run smoother.

We will also have a small discussion on the Wangaratta Catholic Education & VIT PD from May 12th.

Please either leave a comment under this post or email Mel if you are attending. I hope to see you there.

Mel Lichnovsky-Klock
email - beautifulwhiteangel@hotmail.com
Phone - 0417490720

Alison Brown ~ MEETING THE CHALLENGE ~ Parent Seminar

(Parenting Gifted Children – An Introduction)

“My child has just been assessed as gifted – what should I do?”
“My child seems to be very bright. How do we best cater for her?”

These are typical questions asked by parents new to the field of gifted education and enrichment programs

Having details of identification, assessment, provisions and expectations addressed can be very reassuring for parents. Having the opportunity to listen to and share in the experiences of other parents can also be both comforting and encouraging.

Alison Brown, Child Psychologist, has worked and conducted research in this area over the past 16 years. She gives a detailed explanation of giftedness, identification procedures, provisions offered in schools and elsewhere, and practical advice on parenting and catering for the needs of the individual child. Through a formal presentation, and opportunity for open forum, Alison addresses such issues as: typical milestones and developmental expectations; asynchrony in intellectual, physical and emotional development; issues regarding school placement and extra curricula activities; and the social and emotional intensities experienced by highly able children.

All parents and interested friends are most welcome to attend

Location: CATHOLIC COLLEGE WODONGA AUDITORIUM, BOWMAN COURT Wodonga (please note change of venue)
Date: Saturday 20th June, 2009
Time: 7.30 – 9.30pm --- (tea / coffee & cakes at 7.00pm)
Cost: $35 per person ($50 per couple)

Alison Brown is a registered psychologist, an experienced teacher and a parent. She has presented at a number of national and international conferences in the areas of technology, gifted education, and psychology, and provided consultation to schools in Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, Switzerland and Germany. Having taught for seven years at Methodist Ladies’ College, Melbourne and worked as a school psychologist at Kincoppal-Rose Bay, Sydney, she has first-hand experience in recognising and catering for the social, emotional, and academic needs of students. Alison runs a private practice in Melbourne, working particularly in the areas of parenting, counselling and gifted children, and is undertaking a PhD at La Trobe University researching the benefits of using narrative techniques in therapy with children.

Phone: (03) 9824 6617 / www.psychologyandchildren.com.au)
MEETING THE CHALLENGE – Parenting Gifted Children – An Introduction (Parent Seminar)

I / we wish to attend the Parenting Gifted Seminar given by Alison Brown on 20th June, 2009 at 7.30pm at CATHOLIC COLLEGE WODONGA AUDITORIUM, Bowman Court

Email: (for tickets)
Number of people attending:
Cost: $35 per person
Cash / Cheque / EFT

Direct bank deposit to: NAB / Alison Brown – Psychologist / BSB: 083166 / Account: 560401451
Mail to: 24 Robinson Street, Malvern 3144
Phone: (03) 9824 6617
Email: alisonbrown@psychologyandchildren.com.au

2009 Dean's Lecture Series

"What's needed to engage rural students in science?"

Professor David Finlay, Dean of Science, Technology & Engineering, will explore important issues related to student uptake of science courses and careers and the development of the necessary skill and knowledge that will be needed to address the challenges of the future. For full details, click on the blue heading above.

Thursday 21 May, 6pm
Main Lecture Theatre
Building 6, University Drive

RSVP May 18
T 02 60249895
E psych.aw@latrobe.edu.au

Thank you to Pam for keeping your eyes open for PDs.


We are very lucky to have Kate from Valley Sport travelling up to Wodonga to present this PD for CRTs in the Wodonga area. Kate works with LaTrobe University students and has also held a PD for the Wangaratta Beginning and Returning Teachers (BaRT) group. Everyone I have spoken to about this PD have said how amazing and on the go Kate keeps you and many who have already replied to attending our PD, have already had contact with Kate in the past. So please come and join us for what should be lots of fun and energy.

Date ~ Monday 25th May
Place~ Wodonga South Primary School's multi-purpose (where the March meeting was held)Time ~ starting at 4pm
Cost ~ free
Light refreshments will be supplied
If you haven't emailed Mel to tell her that you are attending the Valley Sport Inclusive Games PD, then now is the time to do it.

Friday, May 15, 2009

AEU PD in the Pub ~ Classroom Management

Wednesday 10th June
Commercial Club, Albury
4.30pm to 6pm
Free for students and teacher members in their first few years.
Effective classroom management is a skill that all teachers need - a skill we all have to continue working on because of the changing nature of the environment we work in.
This is a chance to participate in a professional development session with one of the most dynamic presenters currently working with Victorian teachers - and if you are an AEU or VIEU member it will cost you nothing.
Not only do you get free PD, you can have a drink at the bar on us and we will issue you with a certificate of participation in the event for VIT registration purposes.
If you are a student teacher, this is a chance to hear about really practical and effective techniques you can use on rounds and in the classroom when you get a job. If you are already working - you know how important effective classroom management is.

About the Presenter
GLEN PEARSALL is a classroom teacher at Eltham High School and a board member of the Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority.
Glen has worked widely with teachers - helping them improve their classroom management theought a practical exploration of what goes on in the classroom and through working with groups on strategies to find curriculum solutions to even the most challenging behavioural issues.
Glen has a particular interest in supporting graduate teachers and has worked as a research fellow and seminar leader at the Youth Research Centre, University of Melbourne.

AEU/VIEU PD in the Pub sessions run from 4.30pm to 6pm at
Commerical Club, Dean Street Albury on Wednesday 10th June.

How to Register
It is essential to book for these sessions. Email glenys.vanhooff@aeuvic.asn.au with Classroom Management as the subject line and also include your name and the venue you wish to attend.

Go to http://www.vieu.org.au/ for non-government school teachers
Or www.aeuvic.asn.au/join/ for government school teachers
Or sign up at the session.
For more information, please contact 03 94172822 or 1800013379

Upper Hume Community Health Service presents "Whatever!" Parenting Young Adolescents

Come along and talk about the changes that adolescents are going through and how to build positive relationships with your child at this time. Suitable for parents/carers of children aged 8-15 years.

Upper Hume Community Health Service
Group Room (at rear fo 155 High Street, Wodonga)

Thursday 21st May - 11th June, 2009 (4 sessions)

Time: 6.30pm - 8.30pm

Cost: $20

Please contact Maria Hutchings (02 60228888)
or Mandy Knight (02 6051909=29)

Cooinda Family Support Group Presents AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS with Dr. Richard Eisenmajer

Workshops with Richard Eistenmajer.

Dr. Richard Eisenmajer is a clinical psychologist with an interest in Autism Spectrum Disorders. He has published a number of articles about Autism and Asperger Syndrome. Richard has worked in Autism Assessment Teams in Melbourne and Geelong and has private practices in both Melbourne and Geelong. He specialises in the diagnosis and behavioural management of over 2000 individuals with Autism and Asperger Syndome.

Wednesday 3rd June 2009
Workshop 1: 10.30am - 12.30pm
Registration from 10am

Workshop 2: 7pm - 9pm
Registration from 6.30am

Venue: Commercial Club
Dean Street, Albury

Cost: $35 for Family Members & Students
$50 for Professional/Service Providers
(GST included)

For more information please contact Cooinda on Ph: 02 60564844