Sunday, June 30, 2013

The demise of Pdi and VIT going digital only.

We are sorry to have to bring everyone the news that Pdi is closing down. As of June 30 2013 VIT CRT Networks (or anyone for that matter) will no longer be able to supply PASS codes for PD workshops and seminars. This is a great loss for all Victorian teachers.

Do not fear! PASS codes that have already been issued by any Provider will remain valid until you are required to renew your registration! If you have received them but haven't had a chance to enter them yet you will still be able to do so without any issues what-so-ever.

In future we will be continuing to issue Certificates of Attendance signed by myself AND the presenter to ensure they are ironclad evidence if you are audited by VIT. We suggest that you also submit a copy of your reciept as part of your normal PD entry process.

Unfortunately the closure of Pdi also means that there is no longer a centralized and searchable location where you can go to look for quality-assured Professional Development workshops in Victoria which makes this a doubly hard blow.

If you know CRTs who have been attending Network organized PD opportunities without belonging to a CRT Network, we heartily recommend you suggesting they contact their closest CRT Network and become a member to get on the email list. This, at least in the short term, is going to be their best way to keep themselves apprised of the local, accessible and CRT relevant PD opportunities.

VIT is also moving to a digital only registration renewal and fee payment process. You will now be required to submit both of these through your MyVIT online portal. If you do not have one yet, you can now manually create your account instead of waiting for VIT to send you a letter.

We suggest taking a stroll over to Point Cook and see Abbey's post on how to go about it:


Melinda Lichnovsky-Klock
Wodonga CRT Support Network Coordinator.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Booking Status: Creativity Knows No Boundaries (Wangaratta session)

CRT booking status:  Closed
Bookings close Monday 24 June 2013

Current booking levels:  16 seats remaining. (updated 10/6/2013)

Bookings now open to NON-CRT teaching staff.

Booking Status: A Pack of Poetry to Lighten Your Load!

CRT booking status:  Closed
Bookings close Wednesday 12 June 2013

Current booking levels:  30 seats remaining. (updated 10/6/2013)

Bookings now open to NON-CRT teaching staff.