Seats Booked: 13
Seats Remaining: 7
Bookings close: Wed 27 Nov 2013. **Booking are closed***
Booking are now open for other teaching professionals.
This post will be updated to reflect booking status. Last updated 25 Nov, 5.30am.
CRT PD selected by CRTs for CRTs. This is the PD information blog ONLY. Our main blog can be accessed by using the "Main Blog" tab or the blue "Home" button in the sidebar.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Sunday, October 27, 2013
AusVELS and Mathematics - Booking Status
Seats Booked: 35
Seats Remaining: 5
Bookings close: Tue 3 Dec 2013. ***BOOKINGS ARE NOW CLOSED***
Booking are now open for other teaching professionals.
This post will be updated to reflect booking status. Last updated 4 Dec, 7.00am.
Seats Remaining: 5
Bookings close: Tue 3 Dec 2013. ***BOOKINGS ARE NOW CLOSED***
Booking are now open for other teaching professionals.
This post will be updated to reflect booking status. Last updated 4 Dec, 7.00am.
Friday, October 25, 2013
PD Announcement: Literacy Games
Literacy Games
A literacy PD with presenter Melinda Lichnovsky-Klock.
Part One: Setting your students up for success. Building confidence in struggling students through simple strategies which give them frequent successes.
Part Two: Using games to engage your students. Making literacy "hands-on" and fun by reducing your reliance on traditional pencil and paper exercises.
Part Three: Games and activities. How to make a range of games and resources with common household items such as playing cards, wooden clothes pegs, newspapers and supermarket catalogues.
Part Four: Teacher play time! You will participate in a range of activities and games that have been made with common household items to get a "student's eye view".
Part Five: Common Focus. Using a single resource to link mulitple curriculum areas to create a thematic full-day lessons (CRT focus).
There are a maximum of 20 seats available.
Workshop: Saturday 30 November 2013, 1.00pm - 3.30pm
Bookings Open: Monday 28 October 2013
Full details can be found here!
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Mathematics and Hands On Gameplay - Booking Status.
Seats Booked: 20
Seats Remaining: 0 ***Waiting list only***
Bookings close: Mon 18 Nov 2013. ***Concluded***
This post will be updated to reflect booking status. Last updated 29 Oct, 9.30pm.
Seats Remaining: 0 ***Waiting list only***
Bookings close: Mon 18 Nov 2013. ***Concluded***
This post will be updated to reflect booking status. Last updated 29 Oct, 9.30pm.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
PD Announcement - Mathematics and Hands On Gameplay.
Hello everyone,
We are happy to announce another PD workshop - Mathematics and Hands On Gameplay from the Brainary.
Date: Thurs 21 Nov, 2013.
Duration: 2.5 hour (4.00pm - 6.30pm)
Focus: Mathematics, Phys Ed, ICT.
Venue: Wodonga South PS library.
Catering: Afternoon Tea (not just a packet of biscuits!), continuous Tea/Coffee, etc.
Activity Focus: For participants to develop a working understanding of the extraordinary learning transfer achievable with educational gameplay. Participants will experience both physical and digital educational game play on the subject of maths finishing with a discussion allowing participants to compare and contrast both game play formats.
Bookings open TOMORROW, Mon 21 Oct 2013.
For more information please visit:
We are happy to announce another PD workshop - Mathematics and Hands On Gameplay from the Brainary.
Date: Thurs 21 Nov, 2013.
Duration: 2.5 hour (4.00pm - 6.30pm)
Focus: Mathematics, Phys Ed, ICT.
Venue: Wodonga South PS library.
Catering: Afternoon Tea (not just a packet of biscuits!), continuous Tea/Coffee, etc.
Activity Focus: For participants to develop a working understanding of the extraordinary learning transfer achievable with educational gameplay. Participants will experience both physical and digital educational game play on the subject of maths finishing with a discussion allowing participants to compare and contrast both game play formats.
Bookings open TOMORROW, Mon 21 Oct 2013.
For more information please visit:
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
PD Announcement: AusVELS and Mathematics.
With Presenter Michael Ymer.
Michael Ymer - Hands On Maths - Wodonga 2012.
- Understanding the rationale and aims behind the document.
- Getting to know how the new mathematics curriculum is organised.
- What are the Proficiency strands and how can teachers employ them in the daily lesson. Activity based session for teachers to trial in classrooms.
- Achievement standards – how will these inform reporting. Mixed abilities in mathematics. Using the framework of the mathematics curriculum to deal with the diversity of learners in our classrooms. Creating multiple entry and exit points to maths activities so all students can experience success in mathematics.
There will be 40 seats available.
Bookings open: Monday 28 Oct 2013.
Workshop: Saturday 7 Dec 2013 - 9.00am - 3.00pm (6hrs).
More information coming soon!
Saturday, October 5, 2013
CRT PD in Wodonga and Wangaratta to continue.
Well, this year has been a bit of an on-again, off-again affair for CRT PD in the Hume region. The reasons are many and varied so I won't bore you with the details, just announce that the Wodonga CRT Support Network will continue to provide monthly meetings and PD workshops into 2014 and beyond.
Term 2 saw a flood of PD as we played a game of "catch up" to get in as much PD as possible to make up for the lower than usual amount of PD in the previous 6 months. Now that things have settled we will be returning to our regular schedule of:
We would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that we run PD workshops with funding from the DEECD's CRT Professional Learning Support Initiative. This funding is supplied for the benefit of all Victorian teachers currently working as a CRT. As a CRT working in Victoria you are entitled to take advantage of the opportunities we offer. We recommend membership to the Wodonga CRT Support Network simply because it is the most efficient way of keeping yourself up-to-date on the PD workshops we organize but it is in no way compulsory.
As always, we operate on a first-come, first served basis. Membership does not help or hinder CRTs in booking a seat beyond the ability to keep yourself informed.
PD Workshops in Term 4.
We are also pleased to announce that applications have been submitted for PD workshops for Term 4 2013 (one full-day and one 2.5hr PD). We do not envisage it taking long for these workshops to be approved and we can announce dates, times and topics!
Meetings in Term 4.
Please note: attending meetings requires membership. If you would like to attend a meeting to see what it's about before deciding on whether to join the Network, please email us to enquire about attending as a guest!
There will be 3 Meetings in term 4:
Altogether this will bring 16.5 hours of valid PD submissions for your renewal or registration for 2014. More importantly, it is a chance to network with your CRT colleagues and become a member of a supportive and caring educational community!
Term 2 saw a flood of PD as we played a game of "catch up" to get in as much PD as possible to make up for the lower than usual amount of PD in the previous 6 months. Now that things have settled we will be returning to our regular schedule of:
- 11 x Monthly Meetings per year.
- 4 x 6.5 hour, full-day PD workshops per year.
- As many 2.5 hour evening PD workshops as the budget allows for per year.
We would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that we run PD workshops with funding from the DEECD's CRT Professional Learning Support Initiative. This funding is supplied for the benefit of all Victorian teachers currently working as a CRT. As a CRT working in Victoria you are entitled to take advantage of the opportunities we offer. We recommend membership to the Wodonga CRT Support Network simply because it is the most efficient way of keeping yourself up-to-date on the PD workshops we organize but it is in no way compulsory.
As always, we operate on a first-come, first served basis. Membership does not help or hinder CRTs in booking a seat beyond the ability to keep yourself informed.
PD Workshops in Term 4.
We are also pleased to announce that applications have been submitted for PD workshops for Term 4 2013 (one full-day and one 2.5hr PD). We do not envisage it taking long for these workshops to be approved and we can announce dates, times and topics!
Meetings in Term 4.
Please note: attending meetings requires membership. If you would like to attend a meeting to see what it's about before deciding on whether to join the Network, please email us to enquire about attending as a guest!
There will be 3 Meetings in term 4:
- Wed Oct 16 : 4.00 - 6.30.
- Thurs Nov 7 : 4.00 - 6.30.
- Wed Dec 11 : 4.00 - 6.30.
Altogether this will bring 16.5 hours of valid PD submissions for your renewal or registration for 2014. More importantly, it is a chance to network with your CRT colleagues and become a member of a supportive and caring educational community!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Page update.
The End of Financial Year Report page has been updated from 2011-2012 to 2012-2013.
We've managed to squeeze in 9.5 more hours of PD for local CRTs than last year including expanding to begin running PD in Wangaratta as well as Wodonga. We've also managed it on our target budget of $15,000 per year!
You can read more here:
We've managed to squeeze in 9.5 more hours of PD for local CRTs than last year including expanding to begin running PD in Wangaratta as well as Wodonga. We've also managed it on our target budget of $15,000 per year!
You can read more here:
Sunday, June 30, 2013
The demise of Pdi and VIT going digital only.
We are sorry to have to bring everyone the news that Pdi is closing down. As of June 30 2013 VIT CRT Networks (or anyone for that matter) will no longer be able to supply PASS codes for PD workshops and seminars. This is a great loss for all Victorian teachers.
Do not fear! PASS codes that have already been issued by any Provider will remain valid until you are required to renew your registration! If you have received them but haven't had a chance to enter them yet you will still be able to do so without any issues what-so-ever.
In future we will be continuing to issue Certificates of Attendance signed by myself AND the presenter to ensure they are ironclad evidence if you are audited by VIT. We suggest that you also submit a copy of your reciept as part of your normal PD entry process.
Unfortunately the closure of Pdi also means that there is no longer a centralized and searchable location where you can go to look for quality-assured Professional Development workshops in Victoria which makes this a doubly hard blow.
If you know CRTs who have been attending Network organized PD opportunities without belonging to a CRT Network, we heartily recommend you suggesting they contact their closest CRT Network and become a member to get on the email list. This, at least in the short term, is going to be their best way to keep themselves apprised of the local, accessible and CRT relevant PD opportunities.
VIT is also moving to a digital only registration renewal and fee payment process. You will now be required to submit both of these through your MyVIT online portal. If you do not have one yet, you can now manually create your account instead of waiting for VIT to send you a letter.
We suggest taking a stroll over to Point Cook and see Abbey's post on how to go about it:
Melinda Lichnovsky-Klock
Wodonga CRT Support Network Coordinator.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Booking Status: Creativity Knows No Boundaries (Wangaratta session)
CRT booking status: Closed
Bookings close Monday 24 June 2013
Current booking levels: 16 seats remaining. (updated 10/6/2013)
Bookings now open to NON-CRT teaching staff.
Bookings close Monday 24 June 2013
Current booking levels: 16 seats remaining. (updated 10/6/2013)
Bookings now open to NON-CRT teaching staff.
Booking Status: A Pack of Poetry to Lighten Your Load!
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
After PD Report: National Curriculum, Thinking Skills and Personalized Learning.
This PD workshop was successfully run on 25 May 2013.
The Wodonga CRT Support Network would like to gratefully acknowledge the support of:
Without the support of these institutions we would be unable to bring you these opportunities in such an accessible and affordable way!
Participant Feedback:
"Kate and Mel were very easy to listen to and follow. I'm leaving with more thn one, heaps actually, new resources, love it! I really feel I have a clear understanding now of the National Curriculum".
"Very informative session, very glad to have had the opportunity to attend. Kate and Melanie were very engaging and very informative. Has increased my confidence in knowing 'what's next' with the National Curriculum and I now know more becausae of this PD."
We look forward to bringing you more useful, informative and enjoyable PD workshops in the future!
- Price for similar commercial Professional Development? $200-$280 per head.
- Price we paid? $128.38 per head.
- Price paid by CRTS? $10.00.
The Wodonga CRT Support Network would like to gratefully acknowledge the support of:
- The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.
- The Victorian Institute of Teaching.
- The Wodonga South Primary School.
- Wodonga Officeworks
- Henri's Bakery
Without the support of these institutions we would be unable to bring you these opportunities in such an accessible and affordable way!
Participant Feedback:
"Kate and Mel were very easy to listen to and follow. I'm leaving with more thn one, heaps actually, new resources, love it! I really feel I have a clear understanding now of the National Curriculum".
"Very informative session, very glad to have had the opportunity to attend. Kate and Melanie were very engaging and very informative. Has increased my confidence in knowing 'what's next' with the National Curriculum and I now know more becausae of this PD."
We look forward to bringing you more useful, informative and enjoyable PD workshops in the future!
Sunday, May 19, 2013
After PD Report - The Singing Classroom with Sue Arney.
Hello everyone!
CRT Networks are back in the swing of bringing acessible and affordable PD for local CRTs through the DEECD's CRT Professional Learning Support Initiative!
Our first PD for Term 2, 2013 was The Singing Classroom with Sue Arney.
Cost for similar PD in a commercial setting? $180-$250 per seat.
What did we pay (including Venue and Catering)? $71.41 per seat
What CRTs paid? $10.00!
Our comments:
Feedback from participants after applying this in the classroom:
Melinda Lichnovsky-Klock.
Wodonga CRT Support Network Coordinator.
Shepparton CRT Support Network Coordinator.
CRT Networks are back in the swing of bringing acessible and affordable PD for local CRTs through the DEECD's CRT Professional Learning Support Initiative!
Our first PD for Term 2, 2013 was The Singing Classroom with Sue Arney.
Watch feedback video on Youtube!
Cost for similar PD in a commercial setting? $180-$250 per seat.
What did we pay (including Venue and Catering)? $71.41 per seat
What CRTs paid? $10.00!
Our comments:
Not only is Sue Arney a professional that is easy to work with, she is also wonderfully engaging and makes it 100% clear that Music isn't just a "curriculum area that needs to be covered". Musical classrooms have a wide range of implications for the education of students.
Musical classrooms make education more enjoyable for students, making them more eager to attend school each day. They make classrooms a more engaging experience for students, keeping them on-task and less prone to creating behaviour management issues. Misucal classrooms enhance cognitive development of the students within them, having a resoundingly positive impact on all curriculum areas.
The end result is a room full of students eager to learn, much more willing to take ownership of their learning and them being given a greater cognitive ability to excel. It's not just about music, it's about better outcomes for all students in all curriculum areas.
The Wodonga CRT Support Network (a VIT CRT Network) has absolutely no hesitation in recommending "The Singing Classroom" to all teachers thinking of attending a session and to all schools thinking about supplying this Workshop for their teachers.
Feedback from participants after applying this in the classroom:
"This PD was ABSOLUTELY fantastic. I have used skills I did not know I had before Sue Arney introduced us to a method that works! Through music, body percussion, raps and vowels I had the best three days teaching I have ever had. Thanks Sue and thanks to you Mel for doing such a great job well done!"
"I had a great time last Saturday and I’m sure Sue would love to know that I used one of her songs straight away with my class on Monday. It was a real hit!"
"It's never been easier for me to keep my students happy and working! Thanks Sue!"
Melinda Lichnovsky-Klock.
Wodonga CRT Support Network Coordinator.
Shepparton CRT Support Network Coordinator.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Booking Status; Creativity Knows No Boundaries (Wodonga) 6 June
CRT booking status: Closed
Bookings will close Monday 3 June 2013
Current booking levels: 12 seats remaining. (updated 29/5/2013)
Bookings will close Monday 3 June 2013
Current booking levels: 12 seats remaining. (updated 29/5/2013)
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Booking Status: Literacy Games with Mel Lichnovsky-Klock
CRT booking status: Closed
Bookings close Monday 27 May 2013
Current booking levels: 13 seats remaining. (updated 24/5/2013)
Friday, April 26, 2013
Booking Status: National Curriculum and more with Koncept Mastery
CRT booking status: Closed
Bookings will close Wednesday 22 May 2013 at 4.00pm
Current booking levels: 0 seats remaining
Bookings now open to Non-CRT teaching staff.
Bookings will close Wednesday 22 May 2013 at 4.00pm
Current booking levels: 0 seats remaining
Bookings now open to Non-CRT teaching staff.
Booking Status: Get'em Writing with Ian Trevaskis
CRT booking status: Closed.
Bookings will close Monday 13 May 2013
Current booking levels: 12 seats remaining (updated 8/5/13).
Bookings will close Monday 13 May 2013
Current booking levels: 12 seats remaining (updated 8/5/13).
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Booking Status: The Singing Classroom with Sue Arney
CRT booking status: Closed.
Other teacher status: Closed.
Current booking levels: 20 seats remaining (updated 8/5/13).
Other teacher status: Closed.
Current booking levels: 20 seats remaining (updated 8/5/13).
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
The Singing Classroom with Sue Arney - PD Workshop Announcement.
Hello everyone,
We have just recieved our first approval for PD workshops in Term 2; The Singing Classroom with Sue Arney.
In line with out promise to expand and provide PD out of our centralized Wodonga location, This PD will be held in Wangaratta on Sat 11 May 2013 (full day). As usual it will be a catered workshop with a booking fee of $10 for CRTs and $30 for other teaching professionals. Bookings will be opened first to CRTs and to other teaching professionals at a later date.
This will be a Pdi approved workshop with an maximum attendance of 40.
Full details will be released soon including venue, times and booking details.
The booking period will be shorter than the usual 6 weeks which is why you are getting an early "heads up". Please keep an eye out for the full announcement!
Other PD is currently being arranged. Although this is the first to be approved, it may not be the first to run! Please keep an eye out for these announcements too!
Melinda Lichnovsky-Klock
Wodonga CRT Support Network Coordinator.
We have just recieved our first approval for PD workshops in Term 2; The Singing Classroom with Sue Arney.
"A Professional Learning program for generalist primary classroom teachers offering them support, confidence, skills and resources to sing more regularly with their students."
“Music education uniquely contributes to the emotional, physical, social and cognitive growth of all students.”
National Review of School Music Education, Australia, 2005
Imagine a school day where singing is an integral part of the program – not an add-on or an extra activity, but integrated into the existing daily program. aMuse is pleased to launch this exciting new program in 2012 aimed at providing generalist primary teachers with the skills and resources to build the confidence needed to sing regularly with their students!
“The key with meaningful music learning, is that it has to be ‘continuous, sequential and developmental’ for students to benefit. We know, for example, that as few as 23% of government schools are able to offer their students a music education which fits that bill - they would like to, but they lack the resources. In private schools, the number leaps up to 88%.”
In line with out promise to expand and provide PD out of our centralized Wodonga location, This PD will be held in Wangaratta on Sat 11 May 2013 (full day). As usual it will be a catered workshop with a booking fee of $10 for CRTs and $30 for other teaching professionals. Bookings will be opened first to CRTs and to other teaching professionals at a later date.
This will be a Pdi approved workshop with an maximum attendance of 40.
Full details will be released soon including venue, times and booking details.
The booking period will be shorter than the usual 6 weeks which is why you are getting an early "heads up". Please keep an eye out for the full announcement!
Other PD is currently being arranged. Although this is the first to be approved, it may not be the first to run! Please keep an eye out for these announcements too!
Melinda Lichnovsky-Klock
Wodonga CRT Support Network Coordinator.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Arrangements for PD Workshops in Wangaratta.
Hello everyone!
Yesterday we took a trip to secure a venue and caterer for PD workshops to be held in Wangaratta!
We visited a number of venues and businesses and we are reasonably sure we've obtained everything we need to begin providing PD for CRTs in Wangaratta. This will not be to the extent we have been providing it in Wodonga but we remain committed to "sharing the PD love" throughout the region.
We hope to have the first full-day PD run in Wangaratta in mid May and also run 2 evening PD workshops by the end of June.
Please note: We have been given access to the DEECD CRT PLSI funding under the current system until the end of June. At this time the program will undergo some changes to address some concerns expressed in the VAGO report on CRT Arrangements. We have no idea of what those changes will be so we simply can't guarantee what will be happening after that. In the short term we suggest that everyone takes full advantage of the opportunities until then!
PLEASE remember that although the system is undergoing changes, it is not stopping! No matter what happens the DEECD remains committed to supporting CRTs in ease of access to appropriate PD opportunities and maintaining their registration in order to ensure we are the best Teachers that we can be!
Yesterday we took a trip to secure a venue and caterer for PD workshops to be held in Wangaratta!
We visited a number of venues and businesses and we are reasonably sure we've obtained everything we need to begin providing PD for CRTs in Wangaratta. This will not be to the extent we have been providing it in Wodonga but we remain committed to "sharing the PD love" throughout the region.
We hope to have the first full-day PD run in Wangaratta in mid May and also run 2 evening PD workshops by the end of June.
Please note: We have been given access to the DEECD CRT PLSI funding under the current system until the end of June. At this time the program will undergo some changes to address some concerns expressed in the VAGO report on CRT Arrangements. We have no idea of what those changes will be so we simply can't guarantee what will be happening after that. In the short term we suggest that everyone takes full advantage of the opportunities until then!
PLEASE remember that although the system is undergoing changes, it is not stopping! No matter what happens the DEECD remains committed to supporting CRTs in ease of access to appropriate PD opportunities and maintaining their registration in order to ensure we are the best Teachers that we can be!
Friday, March 22, 2013
Back in business!
Hello everyone,
We are happy to announce that we again have access to the DEECD's CRT PLSI to fund local PD for CRTs. We have been guaranteed access provided all payments can be finalized by the end of June 2013.
To this end we are going to pump out as much PD as possible between now and then to make up for the relatively low amount of PD provided up until now. This will include the shortening of booking times and sometimes notice of a PD availability may be quite late.
We urge all of you to keep a close eye on your emails and the this blog to give yourselves the maximum amount of warning possible concerning upcoming PD.
We are happy to announce that we again have access to the DEECD's CRT PLSI to fund local PD for CRTs. We have been guaranteed access provided all payments can be finalized by the end of June 2013.
To this end we are going to pump out as much PD as possible between now and then to make up for the relatively low amount of PD provided up until now. This will include the shortening of booking times and sometimes notice of a PD availability may be quite late.
We urge all of you to keep a close eye on your emails and the this blog to give yourselves the maximum amount of warning possible concerning upcoming PD.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Booking status - Literacy Block - Britt Hartley
Seats booked: 20
Seats remaining 0. **Waiting List Only**
Bookings close: 26/02/2013.
Update; Pdi approval has now been granted for this PD. You can view the Pdi listing here.
Seats remaining 0. **Waiting List Only**
Bookings close: 26/02/2013.
Update; Pdi approval has now been granted for this PD. You can view the Pdi listing here.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
PD Announcement.
Literacy Block
Facilitating an effective 2 hour literacy block in an early years clasrrom
A literacy PD with presenter Britt Hartley
Thursday 28 February 2013 - 4.30pm - 7pm.
[Presenter Bio to come]
If you have not booked with us before, please read the "booking for beginners" page of this blog.
Time: Thursday 28 February 2013, 4.30pm - 7pm (Please note the change of time)
Booking status; Bookings are open. Bookings will close Tuesday 26 February 2013 .

Part One: How to run a reading session with a particular focus on teaching strategies such as guided reading and shared/modelled reading.
Part Two: How to run a writing hour with particular focus on teaching strategies such as modelled shared writing, small group interactive writing and guiding writing.
Please see here for full details.
Melinda Lichnovsky-Klock
Wodonga CRT Support Network Coordinator.
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