Monday, August 24, 2009

The VIT CRT PD is in Wodonga this year!

Each year VIT run a whole day PD especially for CRTs in the Wodonga/Wangaratta area. The last couple of year this PD has been held in Wangaratta. This year we are lucky enough to have this valuable PD in Wodonga.
Dawn Colcott (from VIT) will again be joining us on what will be a great day of fun and laughter (and some learning).

Details are as follows:

Thursday 24 September

Registration: 9.00am
Program: 9.30am - 3.15pm

Blazing Stump Motel Conference Room
Tallangatta Road,Wodonga.

Professional identity: Exploring our teaching stories.
CRT role within the profession.
Looking towards the future – developing pathways
of learning and sharing ideas.
Professional Reading: Modelling effective PD.

This professional development is provided at no cost.

For further information contact Dawn Colcott, Manager Professional Learning, email: telephone: 03 8601 5842

I hope to see you all there!

Wodonga CRT Support Network September Meeting

The September Network Meeting is going to be a great meeting. We have Leon Price (ex-Wodonga South P.E teacher) coming in to play some BlueEarth games with us. Leon is trained in BlueEarth, a program a large amount of schools in the Wodonga area use in their programs.
I have also confirmed Emma from Learning Ladder to come in and showcase some of the products Learning Ladder has to offer teachers. No obligation to buy.
So don't forget your runners!

Place - Wodonga South Primary School P.E room
Date - Thursday 3rd September 2009
Time - 3.45 - 4.15pm Learning Ladder
4.15 - 5.15/5.30pm BlueEarth games
Cost - gold coin donation to help cover afternoon tea

RSVP - to Mel Lichnovsky-Klock
email -
phone - 0417 490720

Monday, August 17, 2009

Sandhurst/VIT Wangaratta PD

WOW! What a day! My brain was overloaded after yesterdays PD in Wangaratta.
Thank you to all who supported this fabulous PD and a huge thank you to the CEO for their hospitality and insight into an amazing world of resources for teaching.
Dawn, thank you to VIT for supporting Casual Relief Teachers in our region.

I have tried to put all the links up on the left hand side of this page for your use. If I have missed one please yell and I will see what I can do.

Thankyou again to all involved.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Wodonga CRT Support Network July Meeting Mintues

Date: Thursday, 23rd 2009, held at Wodonga South Primary School
Focus: Music by Brett Gilbee
Discussed: How can a CRT demonstrate confidence in the music room for a day of work?
Suggestions: Pretend this is your room. Look around the room and focus on the following:
- What can I use?
- How might I use it?
- What is the body of knowledge I want to demonstrate?
- Outcome – does not necessarily mean music.
- What is available?
- Beat in time to nursery rhymes using instruments.
- Use the percussion instruments.
- Dance to the beat.
- Teach dances that you might know.
- Teach drama through music.
- Take a simple nursery rhythm eg. Twinkle Twinkle little star and get students to sing it in rap, opera, jazz or rock.
- Be organised and find your own music and resources such as – Bow to your partner, Hocky pocky, Twist to your partner etc.
- Think about your current view of the situation and work towards a better view of the situation.
- Utilise the pentatonic scale – use sharps and flats with rhythm and beat.
- Use your teaching pedagogy and learning practice.
- Use the xylophones (remove the F & B notes) get groups of children to play a rhythm pattern. Eg. ta ta titi ta 1 2 3 & 4
- Demonstrate by clapping the rhythm pattern to the children first.
- Then get the children to all play their different rhythm pattern all at the same time.
Introduction of percussion
- Allow children to play a range of instruments to a rhythm pattern.
- Swap instruments.
- Then count 4 beats of a particular rhythm pattern.
- Check for silence encouraging all students to finish together.
- Play a rhythm pattern – using soft medium loud.
- Eg 2 beats soft, next 2 are a little louder, next 2 are louder then final 2 are soft.
General music lesson discussion
- Verbalise a positive attitude that we are going to work well together etc.
- Connect with students.
- Use open ended questions when talking to the students. Talk to students about how much music is in their life and how/when they use it.

Next Meeting - September 3rd 2009 at Wodonga South Primary School. Leon Price will be demonstration Blue Earth Games.

A huge thanks to Jacqui for typing these minutes up for us. (THANKS JACQUI and GAIL)